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Welcome to Digital Media I

Digital Media is a course designed to educate students on the ever-changing digital world, as well as to provide hands-on experience with industry standard software and equipment. The curriculum covers a wide range of areas, so it appeals to a diverse group of students. Topics covered in Digital Media classes include graphic design, animation, audio production, video production, and web design. 

Weekly Objectives



What are the course objectives for the Digital Media 1 curriculum? 

What are the core concepts of Digital Media?
What is the relationship between Digital Media and society?

What are some basic tools and features of Adobe Photoshop?



1.01 - Understand the core concepts of digital media.

1.02 - Understand the relationship between digital media and society.

1.03 - 1.07 - Understand concepts used to create digital graphics, animation, audio, video, and web.

3.02 -  7.02 - Understand digital graphics, animation, audio, video, and web production methods, software, and hardware.

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