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Video - Premiere Essential Standard - 206.01 & 206.02



Essential Question: How do you use motion on still graphics to create a commercial?



Objective: Learn tools of Premiere video editing



Assignment: You have been hired by a company to create a commercial for the product. Choose the product you would like to sell.



Create an edited video in Adobe Premiere. Select images on-line that relate to the product you are trying to sell. Make sure you add music to the background. All images (minimum 10) must be resized to 720 x 480 in Photoshop before importing them into Premiere. All images must move within the edited video (left/right, up/down, in/out). No black boarders should show at any time around the images. Experiment with transitions between each picture. Your video will be :30 seconds in length. Your video and audio should fade in at the beginning and fade out at the end of the timeline (you will use the entire song for this project so only your video will need to be faded up/down). Export your completed video as a Windows Media Player file and save it as last name + first initial + dmvid (ex. in your video folder. Add the final video the Google turn in folder as well once completed. Submit your final video in Google drive.



Grading Criteria Checklist:

1 - Used Internet to find high resolution images online for the project (NO blurry, pixelated, or copyright info)

2 - Saved images into Video folder to use in video editing software

3 - Video is edited in a manner that is visually pleasing and creates an interest in the topic

4 - Images sized 720 x 480 in Premiere and images fill the screen without showing any black around them

5 - Images change on the beat of song

6 - Every image has movement added to it using keyframes

7 - Same video transition is used throughout

8 - Video fades in/out

9 - Video file is saved as a .PROJ file and exported as a WMV format as instructed

10 - Final video file is submitted as a WMV format with the instructed name for the


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